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Is It Normal to Develop Lumps After Lip Fillers?

Is It Normal to Develop Lumps After Lip Fillers?

3 May 2024

Lip fillers are super popular these days. Many people get them to plump their lips and give them a fuller, more luscious look. While lip fillers are generally considered safe, some people may notice lumps or bumps forming after getting their lips done.

This can be a bit worrying, but don't panic just yet! It's normal to develop lumps or unevenness after getting lip filler injections. However, it's good to understand what might be causing those lumps so you know what to expect.

To address your concern, we'll explain what lip fillers are, why lumps can form, the types of lumps you might see, and what factors increase your chances of getting them. Most importantly, we'll discuss how to prevent lumps.

What Are Lip Fillers?

Lip fillers are gel-like substances injected into your lips to add volume and fullness. They plump your lips and give you that pouty look many people desire.

The most common lip filler is made from a substance called hyaluronic acid– it's something your body produces naturally. Hyaluronic acid helps keep your skin hydrated and looking youthful.

When injected into the lips, this gel acts like an inflatable cushion, adding shape and definition. 

What Are the Causes Of Bumps After Lip Filler?

So, you got lip fillers to get that plump pout, but now you've noticed some lumps? Well, filler lumps can pop up for a few different reasons. Let's break it down:

One possible cause is if the injector didn't use the proper technique. Lip fillers must be injected at the correct depth and in the right areas. If the filler gets injected too shallow or deep, it can bunch up and create lumps.

Another reason for lumps is if the filler starts to migrate or move from where it was initially injected. Our lips always move when we talk, eat, or make expressions. This constant movement can sometimes cause the filler to shift out of place, leading to uneven bumps.
Sometimes, your body might have an inflammatory response to the filler material. This could prompt some swelling or lumps to form as your body tries to "fight off" the foreign substance. 

Rarely, lumps can also form if you develop something called a granuloma. This is when your body overreacts to the filler and forms a little nodule or cyst around it.

How To Do Prevention and Treatment Of Lumps?

If you want to avoid lumps in your lips after lip filler, here are some  ideas to follow:
Prevention is The Key

The best way to prevent those pesky lumps and bumps is to be picky about who you let inject your lips. An injector with proper training and plenty of experience will use the right techniques to avoid lumps from the get-go.  

Treating Lumps from Hyaluronic Acid Fillers

Even the best injectors can't guarantee zero lumps 100% of the time. If you notice some bumps forming after getting hyaluronic acid fillers, there's a neat treatment option. Your injector can give you an enzyme injection called hyaluronidase. This helps dissolve and break up that filler material to smooth out lumps and bumps.

Other Treatment Options

If the lumps are from a non-hyaluronic acid filler, steroid injections may help reduce swelling and inflammation around the bumpy areas over time.

For really stubborn or large lumps, your provider may recommend minor surgery to remove the lump physically. But this is usually a last resort option.

Don't Forget to Massage

Massaging the area helps work out more minor bumps, too. Your injector can show you the proper techniques for doing this safely at home.

Be Patient

The key is patience and giving your lips a little time to settle after injections. Minor unevenness often resolves on its own. But don't wait too long to get lumps checked out since they can be more challenging to treat the longer they stick around.

When to Seek Medical Attention?

There are a few situations where those lumps could indicate a more serious issue that needs prompt medical attention. Let's have a look:

Persistent Lumps

If you have a noticeable lump or bumpy area that won't go away after several weeks, that's a sign you need to get it checked out. Lingering lumps can be difficult to treat the longer you wait.

Worsening Lumps

If lumps are increasing in size or multiplying rather than getting better over time, that's concerning. Make an appointment so your injector can examine what's going on.

Signs of Infection

While extremely rare, lumps accompanied by increasing redness, warmth, swelling, oozing, or fever could indicate an infection. Don't ignore these signs - get it looked at right away.

Severe Pain or Discomfort 

Lip fillers may cause minor discomfort right after injection, but severe, worsening pain or tenderness in the lip area is abnormal and needs evaluation.

If lumps don't start resolving within a week or two, or you have concerning symptoms, don't try to tough it out. Call your injector promptly to avoid more significant issues down the line.

Final Thoughts

Developing lumps after lip filler injections is common and usually nothing to panic about. The key is choosing an experienced injector with proper techniques to prevent and treat lumpiness. Be patient, as minor bumps often resolve with time and massaging. However, if lumps persist, worsen, or cause concerning symptoms, don't hesitate to seek medical attention. With the right approach, you can enjoy your plumped pout with confidence.